Michael Spencer 

Composer and Teacher

What is your musical background?

I am the choirmaster at Frensham School for girls, where, for many years, I faced the challenge of sourcing repertoire for treble voices that was both fit for purpose and musically engaging. For me, that tends to mean that it is either interesting in terms of its rhythm and metre or its harmony and melody. Ideally, both! My tastes are influenced by some formative time spent living in the West of Ireland (The Connemara) and West Africa (The Gambia), studying and performing the traditional singing and drumming of those respective cultures. I am drawn to the transcendent, whether that be found in the ethereal or the powerful.


What is your advice to singers performing your works?

Strive to find the phrase or pulse which makes sense of the music and to avoid the banal. Always aim for beautiful tone quality and shape the vowels.




Find songs by Michael:

The Lord’s Prayer (unison and SSA choirs)

Ave Maria (2-part treble with piano)

He who has Ears to Hear (Soloist, SSA with piano)

Agnus Dei (SSA with organ/piano)

Agnus Dei (SSA with organ and strings)

Benediction SSA and unison choirs

What are your favourite pieces you’ve composed?

“Benediction” and “Agnus Dei”. Both are quite moving and sophisticated but also accessible for a committed High School choir.

The Lord’s Prayer Audio

Contact Michael Spencer:   e: mspencer.music.contact@gmail.com