Effective 25th March 2018

Welcome to SingScore!

We take personal privacy seriously and make the following statements about the collection and use of personal information. Information is collected from you primarily to make it easier and more rewarding for you to use our services.

Personal information.

SingScore is committed to safeguarding personal privacy. It recognises that individuals have a right to control how their personal information is collected and used. Unless given consent to do otherwise, SingScore will only collect and use personal information as set out below.

Using and disclosing your personal information.

Personal information will be used for the following primary purposes:
– To fulfil obligations under any sale and purchase contract and/or any other contract between the individual and SingScore.
– To render services related to SingScore business such as promotion of SingScore’s website content and other activities.
– To verify that licences to print scores are allocated to the appropriate choir or group for which they have been purchased, and that the correct number of licenced scores are purchased.
– To resolve issues such as technical problems or complaints.

For the purpose described above, information may be shared with SingScore’s affiliated publishing companies, should they exist. Also, in order to operate the website or deliver a service, personal information may also be shared with a service provider, such as a website developer.

Contact by SingScore.

SingScore may contact individuals using the information which was provided by them in order to:
– Provide information which may be of interest
– Send blogs
– Resolve issues arising out of sales from the website

Individual’s right of access.

Individuals have the right to review the information that may be recorded on SingScore’s database. Information may be reviewed by contacting SingScore.

Use of tracking technologies.

SingScore uses tracking technologies such as cookies or web beacons to make use of the website and services as convenient as possible. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to a computer’s hard disk for record keeping purposes. Most web browsers are set to accept tracking technologies such as cookies or web beacons. These tracking technologies do not themselves personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s browser.

Problems or queries.

Contact SingScore if you have any queries relating to this Privacy Statement, or any related problems or complaints.